As a world-class industrial technology and thermal products leader, Watlow designs and manufactures heating solutions consisting primarily of electric resistive heaters, temperature sensors, temperature and power controllers and supporting software – all the components of a thermal system. We partner with our customers to optimize thermal performance, decrease design time and improve the efficiency of products and applications.
We bring 100 years of experience to numerous industries, including semiconductor processing, clean environmental technology, energy generation, diesel emissions, medical and food service equipment.

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Eurocon Instruments Private Limited
P. B. Ganesh(Director)
No. 1A, Patel Street,
Nehru Nagar,
Chrompet, Chennai - 600044,
Tamil Nadu, India
Land Line: 044 - 2223301
Eurocon Instrument pvt. ltd.
S.F.No.345/1A5, Chelliamman Nagar
Chennai 600 044.
To apply for a job with Eurocon Instruments, please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to: euroconmarketing@gmail.com
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