Rishabh Instruments limited, with an experience of nearly three decades is an organization that has built its core competence in manufacturing, design and development of Test and Measuring Instruments and Industrial Control Products on strong fundamentals; in terms of people, infrastructure and financials.
The company provides a hands-on, value driven, professional environment considering people its most important asset.

For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: 9551095519 or fill out the following form
Contact Us
Head Office
Eurocon Instruments Private Limited
P. B. Ganesh(Director)
No. 1A, Patel Street,
Nehru Nagar,
Chrompet, Chennai - 600044,
Tamil Nadu, India
Land Line: 044 - 2223301
Eurocon Instrument pvt. ltd.
S.F.No.345/1A5, Chelliamman Nagar
Chennai 600 044.
To apply for a job with Eurocon Instruments, please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to: euroconmarketing@gmail.com
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